
life in the basement has come and gone. we loved living underground, but are excited to practice maintaining a home. join me as i journal chapter two of our life, as we save up, look forward, and plan for a home in the city. as we seek after our great God to glorify Him daily, join in as we figure out what it means to radically pursue Him in "everyday life"

29 December 2011

my new years resolutions

alright so i'm typically not a new years resolutions person- i'm constantly setting goals for myself and don't think that it necessarily takes a new year to do that, but 2012 is going to be a big year i feel like. so, i want to go public with my resolutions, and ask for your encouragement and kick in the pants when i need it. i've spent some time thinking through these, and while these aren't all that i hope to accomplish in 2012, its definitely some major themes. i've broken them up into categories:


  1. i want to get much more consistent in my quiet times. sometimes, i'm really good about them. and then i'm not. i crave to know the lord more, and with all of the big decisions coming up in the next year, i need to be walking super close to my savior. this will require sacrifice, discipline, and dedication, but i know it will be the best thing i could do next year.
  2. i want to memorize a sizable amount of scripture. i have found when i am memorizing scripture, my mind is most easily focused on Christ.


  1. i want to read 12 books, including Atlas Shrugged


  1. i want to train seriously for at least one more (maybe more) half marathon. i want to finish in 1:57.
  2. i want to maintain a strong and healthy body, including a healthy diet and regular exercise.


  1. nathan and i are intensely saving up for a house- which we hope to purchase in 2012. this will mean sticking to our budget and doing some major saving!

blog-al (??)

  1. i want to post at least 4 times every week.
  2. i want to visit 10 new cupcakeries (at least!)
  3. i want to introduce two new features, and maintain the unreached tuesdays one.


  1. i want to prepare and take the Salesforce Certified Consulting Exam.
  2. i want to take the Salesforce DEV 451 course.


  1. i want to intentionally look for ways to strengthen mine and nathan's relationship, including weekly date nights (which we have been pretty good about).


  1. i want to learn how to make at least 3 really good greek dishes. like homemade.
  2. i want to cut down on my caffeine intake even more- getting it down to 1-2 cups of coffee/a day.
seems like a lot when i type it all out, but i am excited for this next year. what are your resolutions?

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