
life in the basement has come and gone. we loved living underground, but are excited to practice maintaining a home. join me as i journal chapter two of our life, as we save up, look forward, and plan for a home in the city. as we seek after our great God to glorify Him daily, join in as we figure out what it means to radically pursue Him in "everyday life"

27 May 2011


have you heard about pinterest? it might just be my favorite site right now! its like a virtual pinboard- you collect pictures of anything (food, decor, etc) and "pin" it to your board- the site saves the website that it came from, and you can collect your bins on different boards to keep them organized. so much better than a bookmark folder full of websites that you can't quite remember what they were for- this is a great way to save images!! check it out! and take a look at some of my pinboards. they are full of things that look like me!

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